Sporoco, Inc. is a full service distributor of components for the manufactured housing industry.

We constantly strive to provide our customers with the best quality products at competitive

prices while achieving unparalleled customer service and observing the highest ethical

standards in our business with customers and vendors alike. Our success and reputation are

founded on these principles.

Sporoco, Inc. was established in 1958 by Frank E. Spooner of Rhode Island. The first

warehouse was in South Hill, Virginia, where there is still an operating division of the company.

After the successful opening of the Virginia office, the company selected Selinsgrove,

Pennsylvania  as a second location to serve the manufactured housing industry. This location

eventually became the corporate headquarters.  In the year 2000, Sporoco's owners acquired a

third location in Tampa, Florida - Southland Home Products.

The addition of the Tampa location enables Sporoco, Inc. to cover most of the states east of the

Mississippi River, where the highest concentration of manufactured homes are produced.

Sporoco, Inc. has grown from a 2 man operation to one that employs over 50 people and since

the mid 80's has experienced positive growth and continued success